
Showing posts from December, 2019

Trust Yourself

Our doubts can be our biggest traitors! Forcing us to give up our big ideas before they reach fruition. That is why it is so important, for artists as well for any other person or child, to learn to love themselves, and to see the value in what we contribute or create. That is in fact one of the most important things parents need to teach their children to do, to love themselves. It may sound so simple, so obvious, but in the stress and strain of life, sometimes it is by such simple things that we pay the price of existence. In an effort to do the "best" by those around us, often we end up making them feel small, insignificant, useless. Or we may do the same to ourselves. How then can one experience "good", or "success" outside, in the world around us, when we feel of so little value within?

Warrior With A Brush

They say the world is heading for a climate change crisis. If we don't wake up and change our ways, we'll bring hell on earth for the future generations. But we are such creatures of habit! What can we, individually, do to become change agents and saviours? As an artist, I believe I can contribute to awareness of the beauty and glory of the natural world that we have been blessed with. Even if it is to bring a smile on one person's face, evoke a feeling in one beating heart, a little bit of art would be going a long way. So the best we can each do, is honour the inner voice within, and do as best as we can that one thing we are meant to do.