
Showing posts from July, 2021

Standing One’s Ground

Considering my last post and/or my meandering career, somebody recently called me a very confused lady. Yes, it may appear that way, that I’m unsure about what I wish to do with my life, and so jump from one available opportunity to the next. However, that is not the case. I have always had clarity about the fact that I loved art and wanted to be engaged in it. As a child, I knew I wanted to be an artist. I had that clarity, I remember even now, when I was 12 or 13 and found out there was a good art teacher just 10 minutes away by walk. I recall taking the tuition fee for the class from my mother and walking to the class with my sister by ourselves. We both signed up, and attended a few classes, always walking to the classes by ourselves. Being childish yet, I didn’t know at the time the value of persistence and discipline, and so after a few classes, I didn’t go again, and no one at home said anything about that. Again when I was in class 10, about 15 years old, I remember drawing a p

Own It

Perhaps its a result of clarity, or just how the circumstances play out. Or may be its a reflection of the character of a person. But while some people thrive in their roles in one particular company for a better part of their lives, taking root as it were, some, like me, live out their days like modern day gypsies, following their hearts and their fancies, untethered by personal responsibilities that demand accountability, moving along from one company to the next, following one area of interest to another, gathering experiences and  learnings, taking life as it comes, one day at a time, carefree, curious, like a rolling stone. Is one way of being better than the other? I would say that depends on what one's priorities in life are. The important thing is to own it all, to accept one's choices, and the ensuing consequences. Because to take the responsibility for our actions and to be true to our inner guidance is to empower ourselves, while acquiescing to external opinions  and