Be Yourself

 Just came across these thoughts from Summits of My Life by Kilian Jornet:

 1. No one told us what we were. No one told us we should go. No one told us that it would be easy. Someone once said that we are our dreams. If we don't dream we are no longer alive.

2. We walk in the footsteps of instinct leading us into the unknown.

3. We don't look at the obstacles we've overcome, but at those we've got ahead of us.

4. It's not about being faster, stronger or bigger. It's about being ourselves.

5. We're not runners, alpinists or skiers...we're not only sportspeople...we're people.

6. We can't be sure we'll find it, but we're going in search of happiness.

7. With simplicity.

8. In silence.

9. Responsibly.

10. What are we after? Might it be life?

With a few changes, this could be a manifesto for an artist as well. Or any one at all. The point being, we are in it, whatever that "it" may be, in search of happiness. To meet life itself. All while we discover who we truly are and live that truth authentically. 

Be you. Not another Picasso, another van Gogh, another anyone. It might just be the difference the world needs to be a better place.


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